
Strenghten leadership

Extraordinary leaders can increase the profits of the company, they can improve the working atmosphere and reduce staff turnover rates. In order to identify exceptional leadership skills compared to good leadership skills, profound methods are needed.


The scientifically funded Zenger | Folkman method filters a set of 16 competences that differentiate good managers from great leaders and that have a positive influence on important company parameters. The Zenger | Folkman method is based on data gathered in one hundred thousand 360° Feedback Analysis.

Workshop: Extraordinary Leader

Extraordinary leaders double profits

Make the difference with your leaders!

Your leaders understand which of the 16 leadership competencies make the difference in practice. They learn how they can become a great leader personality and how they can apply cross training competences themselves to build and further develop their strengths.

The 360° Feedback Analysis shows the differences between self-image and external image considering the 16 competencies relevant for your leader. It also shows how they perform in comparison to other leaders across the globe.

Coaching: Extraordinary Leader

Turning good managers into great leaders

Extraordinary leaders double profits, contribute to a better working climate and subsequently, lower staff turnover. Become an extraordinary leader in your individual coaching process. The 16 competences relevant for success and the results of your 360° Feedback Analysis form the basis of this individual coaching.

Research findings
of Zenger | Folkman

16 competences differentiate extraordinary leaders from good managers.

Workshop: Extraordinary Leader

Coaching: Extraordinary Leader

Research findings
of Zenger | Folkman


A white paper by Jack Zenger and Joe Folkman as well as a number of publications on extraordinary leadership.

The Extraordinary Leader

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