Consulting and Training by Scheelen®

Skill is your future

Digitalization poses great challenges for small and medium-sized companies (SMEs), as well as for corporations with regard to personnel development. To drive the change, new areas of competence and the right talents working within suitable organizational structures need to be identified.

Our consulting approach

In cooperation with our clients, we, the SCHEELEN® AG, develop tailor-made, competency-based businesses strategies and provide you with all the support needed to implement them. The SCHEELEN® AG's consulting services cover the entire spectrum of strategy and business development, diagnostic tools, implementation, as well as individual support for employees and leaders.

Development of the competency model and target profile regarding behavior & values based on your business strategy
1 Target Profiles
Assessment of the existing competencies, behaviors & values in your organization based on the competency models and target profiles developed
2 Situation Analysis
Gap analysis and development of an individual or group-based development process
3 Gap Analysis
Implementation of targeted personnel development measures based on the assessment results
4 Solutions
Review of the processes's sustainability through a 360° feedback analysis
5 Performance Monitoring


Which factors positively affect the strategic market capture and the growth of successful companies? How can these factors be strengthened in a targeted manner to prepare the company for the challenges of the future? In short: What is the key to business excellence? Innovative, high performance management and consulting develops success strategies in cooperation with SMEs and corporations according to their individual situation and the current challenges facing their industry.

  • Competency-based business development
  • Strategic success factors
  • Business Model & Strategy Check
  • Strategic competency optimization
  • Balance of Competence
  • Personnel and organizational development based on GAP analysis
  • Strategy development
  • Focus on your business core competency
  • Definition, assessment & development of personnel competencies

As experts in potential analysis, management assessment and selection processes SCHEELEN® supports HR managers in a targeted manner to identify the potentials of their employees and regarding career planning programs. Independent measures or sessions in addition to assessment centers are offered, always taking the corresponding business strategy into account. With the support of SCHEELEN® HR departments can save resources and at the same time, base their reports to the executive board on scientifically-funded arguments.

HR development processes that aim to maximize earnings and added value require the creation of tailor-made programs that help to strategically position development processes and tools. Customized competency models increase the efficiency of personnel development activities.

  • Process-oriented personnel development
  • Individually adjusted diagnostic methods to assess strengths, weaknesses and development potentials
  • Creation of a transparent and objective personnel selection process
  • Promotion of existing resources
  • Tailor-made implementation programs

Change is a process, not a short-term measure. Therefore, companies need professional consulting from strategy development to its implementation in practice and long-term team support. The SCHEELEN® AG offers all these services from a single source and always based on the scientifically funded SCHEELEN® Assessment Tools.

Looking at the organizational structure, the communication processes and the competencies of the actors involved, the consultants of SCHEELEN® determine an organization’s need for development and consultancy using precise diagnostic methods. Based on this evaluation, they develop new strategies together with the client, set priorities and suggest actions to be taken. With their training and coaching, the consultants accompany and support change processes until all goals are met.

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“In the future, the success of an organization will depend less on its products, services or innovations, but on the quality of its employees and their identification with the goals of the organization.”

Frank M. Scheelen

Extraordinary Leadership Programm

Viele Unternehmen in Europa stehen vor einer großen Aufgabe:
Sie müssen eine gewaltige Transformation in Zeiten der Neuanforderungen stemmen! Dazu gehören nicht nur die Fortschritte in der Digitalisierung, die Remote Führung, der Generationswandel oder auch die unterschiedlichen Krisen, die es zu bewältigen gilt, zugleich müssen sie das Spagat schaffen in Zeiten des Fachkräftemangels neue Mitarbeiter zu finden und diese, wie auch die bestehenden Mitarbeiter, langfristig zu bonden.

  • Schaffen Sie sich eine Toolbox, um gegen Krisen gerüstet zu sein
  • Lernen Sie die Führung von Millennials oder Gen Z und Führung Remote zu meistern
  • Werden Sie von einer guten Führungskraft zu einer exzellenten Führungskraft!
  • Erfahren Sie, die aktuellen Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung als Chancen zu nutzen


Trainers of the SCHEELEN® AG provide in-house seminars in your organization and according to your company’s needs. Based on a thorough analysis of the initial situation, development goals for the training sessions are defined and the most appropriate content and methods chosen. The scientifically proven SCHEELEN® Profiling Tools raise the commitment and motivation of individual employees and teams, strengthen the leadership skills, personality and self-management competencies of leaders and increase the sales success of the sales team.

  • Effective use of resources and performance increase
  • Customized selling methods based on INSIGHTS MDI®
  • Development of extraordinary leaders and an effective relationship management with employees
  • Self-reflection and employee development through the application of the SCHEELEN® Tools (ASSESS by SCHEELEN®, INSIGHTS MDI®, RELIEF Stress Prevention by SCHEELEN®)
  • High Performance Teams

Extraordinary leaders have clear visions and goals, certain core competencies and know how to inspire others to join them. They act efficiently, are able to persuade others and encourage the development of their employees. Together with their team members they become an outstanding leader and develop an effective relationship management. Supported by the scientifically funded assessment tools the current situation is evaluated and a needs-oriented development concept implemented. After the implementation of each measure the sustainability and practical benefit of each action is checked.

The SCHEELEN® AG offers services that last between one day and one week. We provide singular kick-off events, individual leadership training but also holistic leadership development programs tailored to the company's needs.

Our leadership training can e.g. include:

  • On-the-job needs assessment
  • Individual assessment (ASSESS & INSIGHTS® MDI)
  • Agile project management, goal-oriented management
  • Innovative power and inspiration
  • Goal-oriented management, persuasiveness & influence
  • Employee development
  • Safeguarding transfer & sustainability through 360°-Feedback

Each human prefers his/her individual cognitive and behavioral styles. These preferences reflect our unique character and taking them into account is key to our drive for success and our role within the team. The tool INSIGHTS MDI® assesses our relationship competency, a skill that depends strongly on our knowledge of human nature. INSIGHTS MDI® also allows to gain a detailed insight into individual motives and needs which improves the communication and cooperation between all team members.

To its clients, the SCHEELEN® AG offers seminars and workshops suited to their individual needs:

  • Relationship competency with INSIGHTS MDI®
  • Success through knowledge of human nature: How to take the identification of individual motives and needs to the next level
  • How to better understand yourself and others
  • High Performance Teams/Team Dynamics
  • Emotional Intelligence

Relationship competency is an essential key to true and lasting sales success. Based on the INSIGHTS MDI® method, we support you on your way to find the right talents and to build a solid sales team that is able to offer a personalized and proper customer service. Moreover, we help you to reduce performance, competency and success gaps in your sales unit. The INSIGHTS MDI® method also allows you to discover the personality and behavioral patterns of your clients and to adapt the selling process accordingly. We support your customer communication and customer relationship and develop individual contents that lead to sales success based on your needs and current situation.

  • Customized selling methods based on the INSIGHTS MDI® method
  • Addressing and learning to read clients individually with one’s own sales strategy
  • Customer communication and customer relationship analysis
  • Development of individual contents according to one’s needs and current status
  • Training concepts with transfer phases

Optimize your recruitment process. With the help of structured and success proven job benchmarking target profiles are created for vacant positions. The comparison of these target profiles with the candidates' profiles guarantees for an effective personnel search and selection. The structured interview guide already considers the applicants' strengths and areas for improvement. The onboarding, the integration, the motivation and the leadership of new employees reaches up to a new level. This automatically increases employee engagement, reduces high staff turnover rates and strengthens the employer brand. This allows every company to hire the right talents and to put them in the right place.

  • Effective personnel search and selection thanks to individual target profiles for employees and teams
  • Benefits regarding employer branding
  • Identification of latent and still-to-be-developed fields of competence
  • Individual support of applicants and employees
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Some Image

“Values cannot be taught, but lived.”

Viktor Frankl


Das Ziel eines Coachings oder Führungstrainings ist es, Potentiale zu entwickeln und vorhandene Ressourcen so gut wie möglich zu nutzen.

Die SCHEELEN® AG bietet Coachings für Führungskräfte, Mitarbeiter, Projektverantwortliche oder ganze Teams unter Berücksichtigung der jeweiligen fachlichen, methodischen oder persönlichen Entwicklungsherausforderungen an.

Ziel ist es, die Klienten individuell bei der beruflichen Entwicklung ihrer Persönlichkeit und bei der Erfüllung ihrer Führungsaufgaben sowie bei der Krisen- und Konfliktanalyse und Selbstreflexion zu unterstützen. In Kombination mit der Zenger-Folkman-Methode für außergewöhnliche Führung (Extraordinary Leadership) helfen wir Ihnen, all diese Ziele zu erreichen und in die Praxis umzusetzen.

Zu viel Stress und zu hohe Leistungsanforderungen können schnell zu Überlastung und in der Folge zu Burnout führen.

Die RELIEF-Individualanalyse ermöglicht es, eine akute Gefährdungszone für Stressbelastung zu ermitteln und die notwendigen Präventivmaßnahmen zu ergreifen. Unser Coaching-Angebot im Bereich Stressmanagement und Leistungserhalt zielt auf den Aufbau einer stärkeren Belastbarkeit und die Vermeidung von Burnout sowie folgenden Ausfällen oder Erkrankungen von Leistungsträgern. Im Dialog mit qualifizierten Coaches werden individuelle Stressmuster identifiziert und effektive Bewältigungsstrategien entwickelt. Individuelle Stressoren werden erkannt und nachhaltig eliminiert und Resilienz wird aufgebaut. So wird der Weg zu langfristigen Spitzenleistungen geebnet.

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