For performance maintenance, resilience and stress reduction
Only those who are psychologically resistant can cope with stress and burdens. Organizations need to create a working environment that makes their employees feel comfortable. Humans only stay healthy, motivated and productive in a positive working atmosphere fulfilling meaningful tasks.
RELIEF Stress Prevention by SCHEELEN®
RELIEF Stress Prevention by SCHEELEN® supports professionals to maintain their work performance and enthusiasm, to identify possible health risks and to take useful stress prevention measures. Organizations gain a clear picture of individual sources of stress, are introduced to position-related stress and risks as well as effective measures to cope with these challenges.
RELIEF Individual
Individual employees and managers of an organization receive a profound and clear picture of the positive aspects of their current work situation through a diagnostic analysis, but are also introduced to potential risks: What has a positive effect on his/her health, what has a negative effect? What puts a burden on his/her shoulders, what relieves stress from him/her? What stresses him or her? The online tool RELIEF Individual allows to identify easy to implement and targeted measures to create an ideal working environment for the employee.
RELIEF Risk Assessment
The RELIEF Risk Assessment is a health screening for an entire organization. This diagnostic tool identifies which stressors, but also which positive circumstance exist in which field of activity or department of the organization. In addition, specific measures are recommended on the basis of the diagnosis made. The reports are presented in form of a traffic light system (red, yellow, green). Hence, the positive effects of the measures implemented can be assessed. RELIEF Risk Assessment builds on the tool RELIEF Individual, a scientifically based online tool.
Training & Seminars
HR Managers, trainers and consultants gain the ability to apply RELIEF Stress Prevention by SCHEELEN® in trainings, coachings and corporate stress prevention and health care in a targeted manner. They learn how to carry out the tests and analysis, how to interpret the results, how to develop targeted measures and how to implement them.
In the seminar the basic skills and working techniques are introduced, including practical exercises and illustrative examples to deepen understanding. After passing the final exam, the successful graduates receive the non-transferable license to officially work as an RELIEF Trainer.
Key Program Topics
- Wissenschaftliche und bio-psycho-soziale Hintergründe von Stress und Burnout
- Vermittlung hilfreicher Kenntnisse aus der modernen Stressforschung, Arbeitspsychologie und Psychotherapie
- Konzepte von RELIEF Individual verstehen und erklären können
- Das Arbeiten mit RELIEF Individual
- Veranschaulichung der Theorie anhand von praktischen Fallbeispielen und interaktiven Übungen
- Anwendungsfelder und Grenzen des Verfahrens kennens
Our experts introduce trainers, coaches and consultants to the foundations of the SCHEELEN® diagnostic tools and provide them with illustrative examples. In this introductory workshop, the participants learn more about the tools’ possible fields of application within an organization, our attractive partner model and how they can further grow their range of services in cooperation with us.
Die TeilnehmerInnen testen die SCHEELEN®-Tools selbst: Jede Person erhält eine persönliche Analyse ihrer Wahl inklusive einer telefonischen Interpretation der Ergebnisse.
Experts of the RELIEF GmbH come to your company to carry out the legally required psychological risk assessment and individual measures for stress prevention and performance maintenance. In seminars, workshops and personal coaching sessions individual resilience strategies are developed and fostered.
Durch Inhouse-Akkreditierungen erwerben Personalentwickler und Gesundheitsexperten die Kompetenz, RELIEF Stressprävention by SCHEELEN® eigenständig im Unternehmen einzusetzen.